Browse shows on: Cliff Russell

1991 Holiday Show (1991)
Guests: Dick Gregory, Carol Brantley, Larry Whitfield, Synovia Weatherspoon, Veronica Wilson, Les Morgan, Edwin Ross, Resurrection
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:25
Description: The 1991 Christmas special
1992 New Year (1991)
Guests: Les Brown
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:47
Description: The annual New Year's advice special for 1992.
General Assistance Cuts, Part 1 General Assistance Cuts, Part 1 (1991)
Guests: Maryann Mahaffey, Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, Joan Doyen
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:29:16
Description: This program from the fall of 1991 is the first of two DBJ broadcasts examining one of the hot-button issues in Michigan at that time - the state's decision to balance its budget by slashing its spending on general assistance welfare.
General Assistance Cuts, Part 2 General Assistance Cuts, Part 2 (1991)
Guests: Sam Chambers, City Councilman Keith Butler, State Rep. Morris Hood, State Rep. David Hollister, State Sen. David Holmes
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:28:41
Description: This is the second of two DBJ programs broadcast in the fall of 1991 as cutbacks in Michigan's state budget were throwing 90,000 state residents off of the general assistance welfare rolls.
Afrocentric Education (1992)
Guests: Molefi Asante, Mbongeni Ngema, Leleti Khumalo
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:30:51
Description: Dr. Molefi Asante gives a speech about teaching African-American students the history of Africa and African-Americans. Also, Cliff Russell interviews Mbongeni Ngema about his play Serafina!, and talks to actress Leleti Khumalo about her role in the film based on the play.
Black Consumers and Black Business Black Consumers and Black Business (1992)
Guests: Herschel Richey, Ricardo Solomon, Clifton R. Wharton
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:27:145
Description: This program from the fall of 1992 examines the question of collective economics in the black community: Do African American consumers adequately support black-owned businesses, and if not, why not?
City for Youth (1992)
Guests: Tom Griesdorn, Warren Dennis, Allen Martin, Marvin Johnson, Elizabeth Longley, Chester Freel, Ira Schwartz, James Lacey, Harold Gazan, Linda Williams, Charles Rooney, Christina Vasquez, Christie Urgo, David Pedroza
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley, Kimberly Wang
Duration: 00:31:27
Description: A documentary about gang violence, criminal activity by minors, and juvenile justice and rehabilitation.
Cliff Russell's Auto Show (1992)
Guests: Cliff Russell
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:02:52
Description: Cliff Russell discusses a car show.
Detroit Public Housing Detroit Public Housing (1992)
Guests: Bob Armstrong, Kevin Fobbs, Keith Butler, Ruth Williams
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:49
Description: This episode focuses on the problems of public housing in Detroit.
Doctor Says (1992)
Guests: Richard Smith, Lonnie Joe
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 0:13:13
Description: Clips of segments from different shows: Dr. Lonnie Joe discusses the Detroit Medical Society mentoring black medical students, Dr. Richard Smith discusses teen pregnancy, and Cliff Russell discusses a car show.
Doctor Says: Dr. Lonnie Joe (1992)
Guests: Lonnie Joe
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:02:02
Description: Dr. Lonnie Joe discusses the Detroit Medical Society mentoring black medical students
Doctor Says: Dr. Richard Smith (1992)
Guests: Richard Smith
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:02:11
Description: Dr. Richard Smith discusses teen pregnancy
Election '92 Election '92 (1992)
Guests: George H.W. Bush, Bishop Alfred Kelly, Larry Bivens, Michael Wimberley, Bill Clinton, H. Ross Perot
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:27:46
Description: This program, which was originally broadcast shortly before the presidential election of November 1992, examines what is at stake for African Americans in that election and how African Americans can have an impact on the political process.
Holiday 92 Music Jubilee (1992)
Guests: St. Anthony Angels, Andre Remus, Tramaine Fair, Veronica Wilson, Jonathan Walker, One in Christ, Carol Brantley, Al Fludd, Hugh Burrell
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer :
Duration: 00:27:27
Description: This show is a holiday music special. Guests include the children's choir, St. Anthony Angels; gospel singer, Andre Remus; eleven year old singer, songwriter, and musician, Tramaine Fair; gospel vocalist, Veronica Wilson; Jonathan Walker, the director of gospel group One in Christ, as well as the group itself; gospel vocalist, Carol Brantley; Al Fludd of the Wayne County Youth Home; and motivational singer, Hugh Burrell.

Holiday Show (1992)
Guests: St. Anthony's Angels, Andre Remus, Tramaine Fair, Veronica Wilson, One In Christ, Carol Brantley, Hugh Burrell, Al Fludd
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:30:24
Description: Host Cliff Russell presents the 1992 Holiday Show.
Home Videos and Criminal Justice (1992)
Guests: Bill Black, Cornelius Pitts
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:30:51
Description: Host Cliff Russell and guests Bill Black and Cornelius Pitts discuss the rise of home videos of violent events being shown on the evening news.
John Brittain Interview (1992)
Guests: John Brittain
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer :
Duration: 00:11:51
Description: Footage of an interview with John Brittain about Haitian refugees.
Minority Mortgages, Part 1 Minority Mortgages, Part 1 (1992)
Guests: Karla Brintley, Eugene Perly, Lorraine Van Etten, Saleem Khalid
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:28:02
Description: Few matters are more fundamental to people's lives than the idea of home, and this program from 1992 explores the difficulties that African Americans face in obtaining the mortgage loans that make home ownership possible.
Minority Mortgages, Part 2 Minority Mortgages, Part 2 (1992)
Guests: Don Bailey, Bernard Parker, Karla Brintley, Lorraine Van Etten, Saleem Khalid
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:27:46
Description: This is the second of two programs from 1992 examining the relationship between African Americans, banks and the granting of mortgage loans in the inner city. The program begins with host Cliff Russell posing the question: Do banks discriminate against the inner city in general and blacks in particular?
Minority Youth and Summer (1992)
Guests: Selina Johnson, Kelvin Wise, Paul D. Singleton, Georgella B. Muirhead, Clyde Harper
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:30:23
Description: Host Cliff Russell and guests Selina Johnson, Kelvin Wise, Paul D. Singleton, Georgella B. Muirhead, and Clyde Harper discuss activities that are available to black youths during the summer.
Modern Day Griot Modern Day Griot (1992)
Guests: Katherine Blackwell, Baba Inshangi
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:26:29
Description: This program, broadcast in 1992, is hosted by Cliff Russell. Divided between a music-dance performance by the Ishangi family from West Africa, and a presentation by Katherine Blackwell, an African American storyteller, the show illustrates the efforts of African Americans to explore - and to transmit to their children - the African roots of American culture.
Politics Show (1992)
Guests: Jim Hall, Lenora Fulani, Rasul Muhammad
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:27:41
Description: This show takes place at the capitol in Lansing and is about whether black people should support democrats or republicans.
Interviews are done with Jim Hall, the vice chairman of Michigan Republican Party; Dr. Lenora Fulani, an independent candidate for president; and Minister Rasul Muhammad of the Nation of Islam.
Race Relations on Campus Race Relations on Campus (1992)
Guests: John Telford, Darryl Dawsey, Byron Williams, Tomeka Mingo
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:57
Description: In this program from mid-1992, host Cliff Russell leads a panel discussion, with a studio audience, about the problems that black students face in dealing with racism on college campuses and in high schools. The discussion was an outgrowth of a similar forum conducted a few weeks earlier in the wake of the verdict in the Rodney King beating case and the subsequent rioting in Los Angeles.
Racial Injustice: A Community Responds (1992)
Guests: Arthur Johnson, Diane Edgecomb, Adam Shakoor, Lyn Lewis, Richard Trice, David Simmons, Allen Zemmel, Leon Cohan, Paul Hubbard, Jobari Prempah, Maryann Mahaffey, Frank Hayden, John Telford, Norman Thomas, Gil Hill
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 01:01:46
Description: A special about racial injustice made following the Rodney King verdict.
Taxes (1992)
Guests: Elcy Maccani, Reinard Davis, Darlene Richardson
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:31:15
Description: Host Cliff Russell and guests Elcy Maccani, Reinard Davis, and Darlene Richardson discuss tax season.
Willie Horton (1992)
Guests: Willie Horton
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:29:06
Description: Host Cliff Russell and guest Willie Horton discuss Horton's baseball career and his community outreach work.
Civil Rights Civil Rights (January 15, 1992)
Guests: Ernest C. Dillard Sr
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:26:36
Description: Russell is joined by Ernest C. Dillard, Jr., a local historian and projects manager with the UAW. He is the author of Civil Rights in the 1990s: Race at the Crossroads, and Russell starts by posing the question to him of what he means by "crossroads." Dillard believes that they are at a stage where there is the opportunity for potentially great progress, but only if they choose to do the right thing. In his book, Dillard says that blacks are on equal footing with whites legally, in terms of things such as voting rights, but there are new issues that need to be addressed. These legal rights were the result of actions such as Martin Luther King.
Business Tax Abatements (January 27, 1992)
Guests: Gill Hill, Erma Henderson, Anthony Adams, George Geller, Victor Long
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:50
Description: This show is about whether business tax abatements are worth it, or if they should be eliminated. Much of the discussion focuses on the Pepsi bottling company that received a tax abatement, but did not hire as many workers as promised.

Guests include Gill Hill, pro tem president of Detroit City Council; Erma Henderson, the former Detroit City Council president; attorney Anthony Adams; by phone, attorney George Geller; and Victor Long, a former Pepsi worker and protester.
Friends of African Art/King and Gold of Ghana (February 3, 1992)
Guests: Maurice D. Parrish, Laura R. Mosley, Judith Wyche, Ronald R. Dobbins
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:49
Description: As part of February's Black History month, where the topic is African roots, this episode's focus is on the gold of Ghana. The show begins with footage from a Ghanaian king's visit to Detroit.

Guests include Maurice D. Parrish, deputy director of the Detroit Institute of Arts; Judith Wyche, the first vice chair of the Friends of African Art; Ronald R. Dobbins, the president of Omnicare; and Laura R. Mosley, of Friends of African Art.
Blacks and Social Organizations (February 10, 1992)
Guests: Odell Nails, Cornelius Brown, Lisa Williams, Carolyn Carter, Clarence LeBlance, George Adams, Brian Smith
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:58
Description: This show showcases vocations that stereotypically aren't associated with blacks for black history month; it also includes a clip of a speech by Alex Haley. Guests include Dr. Odell Nails, owner of the Double O Ranch and Cornelius Brown, also from the Double O Ranch, both of whom are knowledgeable about black cowboys and rodeos; on site reporter, Lisa Williams; rodeo champion, Carolyn Carter; Clarence LeBlance, a professional steer wrestler; George Adams, a coach for the Detroit Hockey Association; and Brian Smith, president of the Detroit chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen, Inc.

Police Community Outreach (February 17, 1992)
Guests: Dorothy Knox, Fred Williams, Willie Horton, Hugh Burrell, George (on phone) Adams
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:29:00
Description: This show looks at the image and outreach programs of the Detroit Police Department. Guests include Commander Dorothy Knox of Detroit Police Department Community Service Division; Fred Williams, former police director; Willie Horton, former major league baseball player and currently (at the time) deputy director of the Police Athletic League; police officer, Hugh Burrell who is part of the musical group "The Blue Pigs"; and via the phone, George Adams, a coach for the Detroit Hockey Association.

National Minority Cancer Awareness Week (April 13, 1992)
Guests: Zora Brown, Patti LaBelle, Arthur Porter, Edna Batiste, Archilind Franklin, Sheresa Tomlin
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:51
Description: This show is about how blacks have a higher death rate from cancer and how that can be changed through awareness, early detection, and education. It begins with footage of a speech given by Zora Brown, who was on the National Cancer Advisory Board, National Cancer Institute. She is also the founder of Cancer Awareness Program Services and Breast Cancer Resource Committee. There is also a music video clip and statement from the singer, Patti LaBelle. Guests include Dr. Arthur Porter, the director of Radiation Oncology at Harper Hospital; Edna Batiste of the Detroit Health Department; Archilind Franklin, the director of Minority Health Education for the Michigan Cancer Foundation; and Sheresa Tomlin, a survivor of cancer.

Minority Youth and Volunteerism (April 20, 1992)
Guests: Lewis A Colson, Tamica Mingo, Jovan Watt, Geneva J. Williams
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:54
Description: Host Cliff Russell and guests Geneva J. Williams, Lewis A. Colson, Jovan Watt, and Tamica Mingo discuss volunteering opportunities for black teens.
The Boys (May 2, 1992)
Guests: Khiry Abdulsamad, Hakeem Abdulsamad, Bilal Abdulsamad, Tajh Abdulsamad
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:29:07
Description: This show is an interview with the musical group, The Boys. Members of the group are Khiry, Hakeem, Bilal, and Tajh Abdulsamad.
Black Veterans (May 18, 1992)
Guests: Robert Fletcher, James Thompson, Wayne F. Smith, Paul Rease
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:31:40
Description: Host Cliff Russell and guests Robert Fletcher, James Thompson, Paul Rease, and Wayne F. Smith discuss challenges faced by black returning veterans in front of a live audience.
Black Enterprise 100 (June 15, 1992)
Guests: Don Barden
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:53
Description: This show is an interview with Don Barden after he was named one of the 100 most successful black business entities by Black Enterprise magazine.
Blacks in Basketball (July 27, 1992)
Guests: Nelson George, Brenda Gatlin, Ben Kelso
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:27:30
Description: This show is about black contribution to sports, namely basketball, and "Elevating the Game" a book by Nelson George addressing the topic. Besides being an author, Nelson George also worked as a filmmaker, critic, columnist, and journalist. There are also interviews with Brenda Gatlin, the former athletic director for Southwestern High School; and Ben Kelso, the head basketball coach for Cooley High School.
NABJ 17th Annual Convention and Job Fair (September 14, 1992)
Guests: Clementine Barfield, John Conyers, Arthur Ashe, William III Gray
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:39
Description: This show is an overview of the events and footage from the convention and job fair of the National Association of Black Journalists. The footage includes speeches by tennis player Arthur Ashe; Minister William Gray III, the president and CEO of the United Negro College Fund and U.S. House of Representatives member; Clementine Barfield, founder and director of Save Our Sons and Daughters; and U.S. House of Representatives member, John Conyers.
Respect Yourself and Live (October 12, 1992)
Guests: Stephonia Fletcher, Lavett Pettiford, Sterling Sangoma, Robert Thornton
Host: Cliff Russell
Host : Cliff Russell
Duration: 00:27:59
Description: This show is about sexual responsibility and AIDS in black youth.
Guests include 19 year old single mother, Stephonia Fletcher; 18 year old single mother, Lavett Pettiford; Sterling Sangoma, coordinator of the HIV counseling and testing division for the Detroit Public Health Department; and Robert Thornton, director of Project MR.
Conflict Resolution (October 19, 1992)
Guests: Jameel Johnson, Lewis Colson, Carol E. Pearson, Allen Martin
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:27:33
Description: This show is about violence among African American teens, and nonviolent conflict resolution.

Guests include Jameel Johnson, a survivor of violence; youth advisor and counselor Lewis Colson; Dr. Carol E. Pearson, a forensic child psychiatrist; and Allen Martin, a counselor from the Save Our Sons And Daughters organization.
Malcolm X: The Man, The Memory (November 23, 1992)
Guests: Ed Vaughn, Alex Haley, Spike Lee, El Hajj Abdulaziz Omar, Waalee Muhammad
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:27:47
Description: This show is about the Spike Lee Malcolm X movie and Malcolm X's life.
The beginning has clips of statements from Alex Haley, Ed Vaughn, and Spike Lee. Guests include Minister Waalee Muhammad, of the Islam Space Age Muslims; and Malcolm X's brother, El Hajj Abdulaziz Omar.
Rev. Cecil Williams (November 30, 1992)
Guests: Cecil Williams
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:22:53
Description: This show is an interview with Reverend Cecil Williams. He founded the Liberation of Glide Memorial United Methodist Church, and is known not only as a minister, but also as an author, activist, and leader.
Barbara Talley (1993)
Guests: Barbara Talley, Dale Rich, Dudley Moore
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:28:12
Description: This show focuses on black politics through a Detroit Institute of Arts exhibit and Barbara Talley's political career. It also has a segment on African art.

Guests include Barbara Talley, a candidate for Southfield City Clerk; Dale Rich, a researcher and exhibitor that put together a black lawmakers' exhibit; and Dudley Moore, an African artist.
Black TV Programming in Detroit (1993)
Guests: David Rambeau, Jeff Miller, Kathy Young-Welch, Al Mitchell
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:27:45
Description: This show looks at TV shows that deal with black people and what kind of message they send out.

Guests include David Rambeau, the executive producer of Project Black Awareness in Television, an organization that produces black TV shows; Jeff Miller, the host and creator of the TV show, Transition; Al Mitchell, a director and producer of black shows; and Kathy Young-Welch, a journalist involved with local programming.
Civilian Conservation Corps (1993)
Guests: John Roundtree, Johnnie Johnson, William Elum
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:27:41
Description: This show is about the problem of unemployment and whether a CCC type government program is necessary and would work.
Guests include John Roundtree, president of the Detroit CCC; Johnnie Johnson, the founder of the Detroit CCC Alumni; and Reverend William Elum, chaplain of the Detroit CCC.
Family (1993)
Guests: Rochelle Riley, Joann Washington, William and Carol Smith
Host: Cliff Russell

Duration: 00:28:03
Description: This show is about African American families.
Guests include author Rochelle Riley; African storyteller Joann Washington, and William and Carol Smith the adoptive parents of five brothers.
Incarceration Incarceration (1993)
Guests: Ron Scott, Anthony McDuffie, Rev. Mikal Featchurs
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:28:02
Description: In this program, broadcast in 1993, host Cliff Russell talks with three studio guests about the ways in which black men tend to get singled out for police attention and the reasons why black men constitute a disproportionately large segment of America's prison population.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute (1993)
Guests: Coretta Scott King, Young people from Detroit and across the country
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almaza
Duration: 00:29:07
Description: This program, produced to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday in January 1993, is an intriguing exploration of the continuing legacy of King and his principles of nonviolence.

Self Help Programs (1993)
Guests: David Gamlin, Clifton Morton
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:28:35
Description: This show is about black entrepreneurship.
Guests include David Gamlin, a board member of Joy of Jesus (an organization dedicated to helping urban youth succeed) and instructor for Detroit Center of Entrepreneurship, and Clifton Morton, a recent high school graduate and student at the Detroit Center for Entrepreneurship.
Susan Taylor and Moore African Art (1993)
Guests: Susan Taylor, Dudley Moore
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:18:54
Description: This show is an interview with Susan Taylor about being the editor of Essence magazine. There is also a segment on African arts, narrated by Dudley Moore of Moore African Art.
Urban City Gambling Urban City Gambling (1993)
Guests: Rev. E.D. Cobbin, Theo Broughton, Ted Gatzaros
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:27:59
Description: Casino gambling roiled the political waters of Detroit for nearly a quarter century before the city's first casino opened in 1999. This program, from mid-1993, illustrates the intensity of the debate that raged in the early 1990s over whether casinos should be allowed in Detroit.

Wayne County Legal Services (1993)
Guests: Linda D. Bernard, Leon A. Gant, Garland (voice only) Houser, Colley (voice only Bey
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:27:46
Description: This show is about legal services for the poor. Guests include attorney Linda D. Bernard, the executive director of Wayne County Neighborhood Legal Services; attorney Leon A. Gant from the WCNLS Community Opportunity Paralegal Services program; the voice of Garland Houser, a C.O.P.S. graduate; and Colley Bey, a C.O.P.S. trainee.

Detroit Auto Industry Detroit Auto Industry (January 11, 1993)
Guests: Theresa Jones, Charles Harrell, Mel Farr, Nathan Conyers
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:27:46
Description: Originally broadcast in January 1993, the program consists of a roundtable discussion, moderated by host Cliff Russell, between four prominent African American auto dealers from the Detroit area: Mel Farr, a former star athlete with the Detroit Lions, owner of Mel Farr Ford, and chairman of the Black Auto Dealers Association; Charles Harrell, owner of Harrell Chevrolet; Theresa Jones, owner of Northwestern Dodge and former director of nursing at Henry Ford Hospital; and Nathan Conyers, owner of Riverside Ford. This program explores the status and progress of African Americans in the U.S. auto industry as the owners of auto dealerships.
Les Brown 01/14/1993 (January 14, 1993)
Guests: Les Brown
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:29:05
Description: Host Cliff Russell and guest Les Brown discuss motivational techniques for the new year.
Black Male/Female Relationships Black Male/Female Relationships (January 25, 1993)
Guests: Debra Crable, Darryl Roberts, Latricia Loftin, Rev. David Payton, Raymond Whitfield
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:27:46
Description: This program from January 1993 revisits the issue of relationships between black men and women that was the subject of a pair of broadcasts in 1986. This time, however, the program examines a popular culture take on the issue, rather than taking a sociological approach.
Chris Webber Chris Webber (March 1, 1993)
Guests: Chris Webber
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:27:07
Description: In this program from March 1, 1993, host Cliff Russell devotes the entire program to an extended interview with Chris Webber, then a key leader of the University of Michigan's "Fab Five" basketball team. Webber went on to a long and successful career in the National Basketball Association, where he played for at least five different teams, including the Detroit Pistons.
Blue Pigs/ Hugh Burrell (March 22, 1993)
Guests: Hugh Burrell
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:46
Description: This show is about the Blue Pigs, a musical outreach program of the Detroit Police Department. The guest is Hugh Burrell, the lead vocalist of the Blue Pigs.
Africa, The Motherland (May 3, 1993)
Guests: Asie Kabuki Ocansey, Nene Katey Ocansey I, Catherine (on phone) Blackwell, Cheryl Dove, Quill Pettway, Cheryl Riley, Jennifer Smith, Lizzy Ikeji
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:27:45
Description: Host Cliff Russell and guests Lizzy Ikeji, Cheryl Dove, Quill Pettway, Cheryl Riley, and Catherine Blackwell discuss the importance of educating Americans, and especially African-Americans, about African culture and history.
Blacks and the Auto Industry (July 12, 1993)
Guests: Mel Farr, Nathan Conyers, Chuck Harrell, Theresa Jones
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Carlota Almanza
Duration: 00:28:17
Description: This show is a discussion with local auto dealers.
Guests include Mel Farr, former football player and currently (at the time) chairman of National Black Automakers Association; Nathan Conyers of Riverside Ford; Chuck Harrell of Harrell Chevrolet; and Theresa Jones of Northwestern Dodge.
Politics and the Media (October 6, 1993)
Guests: Sherry Washington, Bill Johnson, Adolph Mongo
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer :
Duration: 00:27:46
Description: This show is about the Detroit mayor's race and whether the media has been fair. There's also short segments on art and Fannie Lou Hamer (a civil rights leader and American voting activist in the 1960's), and a poetry/music segment. Sherry Washington, owner of the Sherry Washington Art Gallery, starts off the show with the art segment.
Guests include political consultant Adolph Mongo, who served for multiple Detroit mayors, circuit court and court of appeals judges, Geoffrey Fieger, and two US congresswomen, among others; and Bill Johnson of the Detroit News.
Dennis Archer (October 27, 1993)
Guests: Dennis Archer
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:27:32
Description: This show is an interview with mayoral candidate, Dennis Archer.
Detroit After the Election (November 3, 1993)
Guests: Bernard Parker, Errol Henderson, Kenneth Coleman, Roger Chesley
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:28:48
Description: This show is a discussion of what direction new mayor, Dennis Archer, will take Detroit, and where Detroit needs to go.

Guests include Wayne County Commissioner, Bernard Parker; Dr. Errol Henderson, member of SOSAD (save our sons and daughters organization); Kenneth Coleman Jr., a writer for the Michigan Chronicle; and Roger Chesley, a writer for the Detroit Free Press.
Keith Butler and Ralph Wiley (November 3, 1993)
Guests: Keith Butler, Ralph Wiley
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:28:46
Description: Host Cliff Russell and guest Rev. Keith Butler discuss Butler's time on the Detroit City Council in Part 1 of Butler's interview. Also, Ralph Wiley talks about his new book, and a brief commentary piece from Cliff Russell about the planned closing of the Southwest Detroit Hospital.
Keith Butler and Shrines of the Black Madonna (November 3, 1993)
Guests: Keith Butler, Ayele Bennett
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:29:34
Description: Host Cliff Russell and guest Rev. Keith Butler discuss Butler's plans for the future after his resignation from the City Council in Part 2 of Butler's interview. Also, an interview with Ayele Bennett, the manager of Shrines of the Black Madonna bookstore and cultural center.
Alfred Ali (November 9, 1993)
Guests: Alfred Ali, P.K. McCary
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:27:45
Description: This show is about how American black men are spiritually dead. It is an interview with author Alfred Ali, who discusses his book on the subject. There is also a short excerpt from author P.K. McCary on her book, "Black Bible Chronicles".
Kamal / Vibes International (December 29, 1993)
Guests: Lorenzo Geohagan, Kamal A. Amen Ra, Akoben
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:27:59
Description: This show features a musical performance by Akoben, including a quick interview with Kamal A. Amen Ra from the group. There's also an interview with Lorenzo Geohagan, editor of Vibes Magazine.
The Black Russians (January 5, 1994)
Guests: Charles Quist-Adade, Joseph White Erakoptobor, Freddie Jackson, Ralph Wiley
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:28:15
Description: This show is about racism and persecution in Russia. It also includes short segments on music by Freddie Jackson and a book by Ralph Wiley.

Guests include Dr. Charles Quist-Adade, a professor from University of Windsor (at the time) who grew up in Ghana and earned a degree in Russia; Joseph White Erakoptobor, a sufferer of racism in Russia; Freddie Jackson, an R&B and soul singer; and author Ralph Wiley.
Malice Green Murder (1998)
Guests: Larry Simmons, Kym Worthy
Host: Cliff Russell
Producer : Tony Mottley
Duration: 00:28:03
Description: This show looks at the Green murder trial and the community's response to it.
Guests include Larry Simmons, the executive assistant to Mayor Young, and Kym Worthy, the Wayne County assistant prosecutor.