
Afrocentrism (February 1991)
Duration: 00:29:04

See other episodes with similar themes and topics

Themes: Musical Roots and Branches | Literature and Language | Sports and Entertainment | Africa and African-Americans |

Guests: Arthur Carter, Lyn Lewis, James Jenkins, Larry Fishburne, Ann Eskridge
Host : Trudy Gallant
Producer : Carlota Almanza

Summary: This show is a review of black history month.
Guests include Dr. Arthur Carter, interim deputy superintendent of Detroit Public Schools; sociologist, Dr. Lyn Lewis of the University of Detroit Mercy; and writer Ann Eskridge. Clips contain statements from James Jenkins, the founder of Greystone International Jazz Museum; actor Larry Fishburne, best known for his role in the movie "The Matrix"; and the writers of the play "Black Heroes in the Hall of Fame", Flip Fraser and J.D. Douglas.