Coal Strike (Clip 3)

Coal Strike (Clip 3) (1978)
Duration: 00:26:20

See other episodes with similar themes and topics

Themes: Urban Challenges | Motor City and Motown |

Guests: John Huddleston, Mike Meares, Jane English, Cecil Roberts, Kathy Busby, Alec Meiklejohn, Wayne Busby, John Hutchinson, Len Gross, Burdette Crowe, Helen Huddleston
Host : Ron Scott
Producer : Ron Scott
Associate Producer : Deborah Ray

Summary: Host Ron Scott shares some statistics about the nation mortality rate in the mines. He then joins Cecil Roberts, Pres. UMWA Dist. 17 in the mine, who discusses the contract negotiations in Washington and the dangers of working in the coal mines.
The episode returns to the interview between Scott and Huddleston, and Huddleston reflects on his brother’s death in the mine.