The Tenets of Kwanzaa

The Tenets of Kwanzaa (December 23, 1991)
Duration: 00:29:48

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Themes: Religion and Spiritual Life | Africa and African-Americans |

Guests: Kofi Egbo, Louise Reid-Ritchie, Carmen N'namdi
Host : Darryl Wood [bio]Darryl Wood hosted the show for ten years from 1988 to 1998 under the title American Black Journal. His shows focused on the skills and talents of many of the nation's leading African-American business people.

Click for full biography

Producer : Carlota Almanza

Summary: Explanation of different parts of Kwanzaa. The show is introduced by Ed Vaughn, president of Alabama's NAACP. Guests include Dr. Kofi Egbo, curator of the African American Museum; psychologist, Dr. Louise Reid-Ritchie; and Carmen N'namdi, educator, Kwanzaa celebrant, and wife of George N'namdi.