Browse shows on: Cheryl Head
Graduation is the Bottom Line (1986)
Guests: Cheryl Head
Host: Beth Konrad, Darryl Wood [bio]Darryl Wood hosted the show for ten years from 1988 to 1998 under the title American Black Journal. His shows focused on the skills and talents of many of the nation's leading African-American business people.
Producer : Jay Nelson, Darryl Wood
Duration: 01:28:54
Description: This show is a discussion of what can be done about the high dropout rate in Detroit.
Guests are students, parents, members of the community, school administrators, and teachers.
Guests: Cheryl Head
Host: Beth Konrad, Darryl Wood [bio]Darryl Wood hosted the show for ten years from 1988 to 1998 under the title American Black Journal. His shows focused on the skills and talents of many of the nation's leading African-American business people.
Click for full biography
, Ed Gordon, Diane Atkinson-Hudson, Trudy Gallant, Cheryl Head, Rich MaykProducer : Jay Nelson, Darryl Wood
Duration: 01:28:54
Description: This show is a discussion of what can be done about the high dropout rate in Detroit.
Guests are students, parents, members of the community, school administrators, and teachers.